Most likely, the solenoid will need to be replaced. NC-2610 Check the mechanical linkage. In the center of the linkage is a nut that it pivots around. Loosen the nut about 1/8 turn In the short-term, you can actuate the...
Keypad not responding
Replace the keypad. If the printer is white, NC-1315. If black printer, NC-1312.
Printer is spitting out nothing but garbage, and/or is printing continuously
Replace the main logic board—Part Number NC-2300
Printer not printing
Unplug the printer and plug it back in Replace the printer. The replacement part number is NC-1950. Note: if the printer you are replacing is white, the new printer dimensions will be different. You can either cut the hole to...
furnace is overheating (the furnace has been known to glow orange when this occurs)
Replace the solid-state relay—Part Number NC-2510